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Lesson 7-School Uniforms


What is a school uniform? Describe.

School uniforms is an outfit a set of standardized clothes worn primarily for an educational institution. They are common in primary and secondary schools in various countries. When used, they form the basis of a school's dress code. Uniforms show that you are a part of an organization. Wearing it says we’re all in this together. Wearing a uniform is a badge of pride, creates an identity for school and is an important part of being a school student. School uniforms teaches students to dress smartly and take pride in their appearance.

What are the potential benefits of having school uniforms?

The potential benefits of having school uniforms decreases violence and theft even life-threatening situations among students over designer clothing or expensive sneakers. Helps prevent gang members from wearing gang colors and insignia at school. Instilling discipline in students. Helps parents and students resist peer pressure. Helps students concentrate on their school work. Also it helps school officials recognize intruders who come to the school.

What are the potential problems with having school uniforms?

The potential problems with having school uniforms is that they limit personal expression. Kids and teens are use the way they dress to express themselves and identify with certain social groups. Many students who are against school uniforms argue that they lose their self-identity when they lose their right to express themselves through fashion. Many also argue that buying uniforms is an added expense especially to families that can’t afford them. However, who’s to say that wearing uniforms really solves the problems?

How can you get parents and students to buy-in to the idea of school uniforms?

As a student who has been wearing uniforms my entire life my mother has always been an advocate of school uniforms. As a future teacher it is important to me that I meet all of my students parents needs and make sure their opinion about things are taking into consideration. In order for me to get parents and students to buy-in to the idea of school uniforms I would make sure that they know the cons and pros of school uniforms.

What does the Supreme Court have to say on this issue?

The Supreme Court said that a student’s freedom of expression in school must be protected unless it would seriously interfere with the requirements of appropriate discipline. Courts have recognized that students’ choice of clothing can communicate certain messages and ideas, ranging from their stance on political and social issues to their social standing or religious beliefs. Students have the right to protest school polices as long as they do so in a no disruptive fashion. Generally, this means that a student has more First Amendment protection to wear a protest button or logo than wear certain types of clothing. Supreme Courts has never decided a student dress code case

Are school uniforms truly effective?

In today society many people are trying to keep up with the hottest brands. Not realizing that this issue is causing students to lose focus in their work. As a student I feel that school uniforms are effective because it helps students not to be worried about what they look like or who has the hottest brands on. Wearing school uniforms can be helpful in many ways. Having matching outfits can make all students feel equal. Poor students would no longer feel excluded because they were not wearing name brand clothing like the richer kids. School uniforms could help solve a lot of issues within the school system.

Based on your research, provide at least two interesting statistics, additional advantages or disadvantages, or viewpoints that are NOT described in the articles that accompany this lesson

While doing some research on this lesson of school uniforms I’ve also found some interesting topics considering school uniforms. Such as the Role of Government in Education (1962) within this research it list some advantages and disadvantages of school uniforms and also education. Also within my research I came across some viewpoints of how parents feeling about having school uniforms. It’s been more of students talking about how they would feel with having school uniforms than parents.


Summary: This lesson was my favorite so far. This lesson taught me about how school uniforms are brought about. School uniforms set you apart from other people and other schools. As a future teacher I know that some students will question the fact of uniforms.

Research Question: Are school uniforms really necessary?


Research Analysis: If you are like most high school students, the thought of wearing school uniforms makes you cringe with irritation. You may not want the school district telling you what kind of shirt you can wear, what color it has to be, and telling you that you cannot wear jeans. Before you organize a protest outside of the administration building, however, take a moment to think about the positive benefits of wearing school uniforms.

While you may enjoy showing your individuality with your choice of clothing, admit that it takes a bit of energy trying to decide what you are going to wear every day. Why not just admit that not having to think about what you will wear to school will actually be quite nice? You can just wake up in the morning, pull on your uniform, and finish getting ready for school. Who is not going to like a few extra minutes of sleep on a school day?

Research Summary: I’m quite shocked by the research I’ve came across about school uniforms. As a student that has been in uniforms my entire life I would have to say that I hated wearing uniforms 5 days out of the week. I feel as if school uniforms are pointless. Yes, uniforms shows a sign of professionalism but students should have the right to dress to their preference. Uniforms doesn’t give you a chance to show your individuality.

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