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Lesson 6-Content - Alphie Koln


Why did you select this article to read? In other words, what compelled you to read this article?

The primary purpose of me choosing the article “Rethinking Homework” was because of the title. The title really caught my attention. As a student it has been plenty of times where I’ve thought about not doing my homework. Only because I felt as if it was a waste of my time. Homework should be an assignment that is done in class.

Describe the primary points that were made by the author.

The primary points that were made by the author were that Students spend most of their day in school, after school most students are drained out and don’t even have thoughts of doing homework. Most students don’t even think about school work once their at home. Homework is used as extra help for the student, some students say homework is punishment from teachers. Most teachers assign homework to help the students understanding of the information. Homework can cause students to become overwhelm from the material if they don’t understand. Many parents are too busy with work and other things which causes them to not even help their child with their homework like they should.


Indicate if you agree or disagree with the author's points. Why or why not?

As a student I would have to say that I agree with author’s points that were made in the article. It has been plenty of times I felt as if I was forced to do homework. After being in classes all day for a whole week I feel homework is pointless. On the other hand homework could be helpful to students. Homework can be used to help students to become involved in decision making. Homework can either be a good case as well as bad, it can help the students or stress the students.



Summary: In this lesson it gives me the opportunity to read numerous of different articles that talks about a variety of things that deals with students, teachers, as well as the school system. As future teacher this lesson helps me to read some of the problems that occurs in today’s school system that many people are afraid to talk about. This lesson helps me as a future teacher to change some of the problems in that keeps occurring in the school systems.

Research Question: What is the purpose of homework?


Research Analysis: Remember the days of sitting in class waiting eagerly for the bell to ring before the teacher said that dreaded word…“homework”? Sighs, rolling eyes and grunts quickly filled the quiet classroom at the mention of “that” word. Well, not much has changed today except for the fact that many teachers post assignments electronically. I have yet to see a student jump for joy when the word homework is mentioned, nor have I seen students eager to get home to do their homework (maybe finish it, but not to do it). This brings up the question, “what’s the purpose of homework?”


Research shows mixed results when it comes to homework. Some research (link is external) has shown that students aren’t doing any more homework than their parents did at their age. In a study school-aged children and parents completed surveys about how much homework youth have. The results showed that the typical elementary student has 30-45 minutes of homework each night. The average high-school student has about 60 minutes per night. Interestingly, these numbers have remained consistent since 1984!

Research Summary: I am quite shock by the information that I’ve come across regarding my research question. As a student I feel as if homework is a waste of time for students as well as teachers. Due to the fact that some teachers allow their students to have some time within the class to do their homework. Some teachers do not even collect their student’s homework or even go over the homework assignment. Homework should only be for students who need the extra help and or students that need the grade.

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