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Lesson 3-The School Climate and Whole Child


In your own words, describe "School Climate".

In my own words school’s climate contributes to the academic success of its students and predicts the degree to which they actively participate in learning, including how consistently they attend school, how attentive they are in class, how carefully they complete their class assignments, and how committed they are to staying in school and doing well there. Students who feel connected to their school are more likely to graduate and move on to successful postsecondary educational and career opportunities.

In your own words, describe "School Culture".

In my own words school’s culture can be defined as the traditions, beliefs, policies, and norms within a school that can be shaped, enhanced, and maintained through the school’s principal and teacher-leaders.


Describe the four (4) dimensions of School Climate.

The four dimensions of School Climate includes; safety, relationships, teaching and learning, and institutional environment

Safety: Safety provides a list of rules that are set in place to make sure that students are kept safe at all times.

Relationships: Relationships are for the students to feel comfortable to talk to their parents and social groups or teachers about anything going on.

Teaching and Learning: A positive and intellectual student teacher that is social in a great and successful environment.

Institutional Environment: The surroundings of the school are a good environment for students to feel like they’re at home.



The "Whole Child" initiative seems to be interwoven with School Climate. Describe the "Whole Child" approach towards education.

A whole child approach to education is defined by policies, practices, and relationships that ensure each child, in each school, in each community, is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.



Regarding the video for this lesson, would a positive school climate and whole child approach save this school? Describe.

After watching the video for this lesson I would say that a positive school climate and whole child approach would save this school looking at this video it shows that the school has a lot of problems that resulted into fights and students not performing well in classes. A positive school climates helps student’s Academic achievement, Student engagement in school, and Positive social skills development.


List and describe some of the positive outcomes associated with a positive school climate and educating the whole child.

Some of the positive outcomes associated with a positive school climate and educating the whole child leads to students performing well on standardize tests. Also students doing well within the classroom with the help of the teacher.


What can schools do to develop a positive school climate? Describe.

To help develop a positive school climate the school can minimize and manage conflicts a positive school climate is one in which conflicts occur infrequently and students treat one another with respect. Prevent bullying and victimization. A positive school climate is one where bullying is taken seriously and addressed effectively. Support adults. Teachers and families frequently need the same kinds of support to foster positive adult climates in the school.


What can YOU do, as a teacher, to help develop a positive school climate? Describe

As a future teacher to help develop a positive school climate for my students as well as my fellow coworkers I would stared off with trust. In order for you to have a positive school climate you need to build relationships that exist among students and adults, as well as the relationships among schools, families, and their communities.

Summary: This lesson taught me a lot about the school systems and how they protected the students as well as the teachers and parents. As a future it is important for me to know all of the necessary things to do if my students and or coworkers feel unprotected.

Research Question: How can you maintain order within a school?


Research Analysis: The school has the right to institute measures or take appropriate action to ensure that order and discipline are not compromised by learners – be it within or outside the school. One such measure is corporal punishment. However, it must be pointed out that corporal punishment must be administered to a learner only by the Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, or Senior Master/Mistress.


No school has the authority to expel any learner; it may recommend expulsion for consideration by the Head of Education Department and the Chief Education Officer. The school however may suspend a learner based on the guidelines stated herein.


Learners are expected to respect and follow the directives of the Administrative and Non-Administrative staff of their school; their failure to so do will subject them to disciplinary action.

Research Summary: I’m quite surprise by the research that I have came across. By me being a future teacher this research really helps me to approach classroom problems and how to deal with some students that are out of control. This research gives me ideas on how to make sure that I as a new teacher in the making have order within my classroom.

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