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  This  lesson is about learning needs in the classroom. We used a lot of our own thinking in this lesson to answer the questions.

Lesson 6


  • Think of something you are good at – something which you know you do well. (This may be an academic subject, but equally could be a hobby or skill – in short, anything at all that you're good at). Describe how you became good at this.

Something that which I am very well in is working with kids. Starting in high school I realize that I enjoyed working with kids. My first time ever working with kids was when I got a summer job working at the Boys & Girls Club in Atlanta. Working with them was very fun. They learned things from and I learned things as well from them.

  • Think of something you feel positive about – something which you like about yourself. This could be anything about yourself which tends to make you proud. Discuss how you know that you can be proud of this – in other words, upon what evidence is this positive feeling based?

Something that tends to make me proud about myself is me graduating from high school. Many people doubt that I would even graduate. Being my mothers first child to graduate was a very prideful moment for me as well as my mother.  

  • Think of something which you don't do well! This could be the result of an unsuccessful learning experience, maybe long ago or maybe recently. Discuss each of the following: what went wrong, do you think, in your learning relating to this thing you do not do well? And who, if anyone, might have been to blame for this?

I am not that good in history. For some reason history has never been my favorite subject. I can never say that it’s the teacher’s fault of my lack of interest in this subject. Previous with taking history it has been very hard for me retain the information that’s being giving to me. History is filled with dates and many names that you would have to remember also what that person has done to make history.

  • Think of something you can indeed do well, but that you didn't want to learn at the time you learned it. This could be something like 'driving', 'swimming',' cooking' or, equally, it could relate to a particular area of academic study – perhaps 'statistics' or 'economics' and so on. Whatever it is, you're probably pleased now that you succeeded with it – it's likely to be useful to you now. Discuss what kept you going, so that you did indeed succeed in this particular episode of learning.

Something that I enjoy doing but never really wanted to learn more about is hair. I started becoming more interesting in doing when I enter high school. Doing hair really shows my creative side that no one really sees. Over time I grew into loving to do hair and I started to read more about the hair business and this summer I intend on enrolling into someone’s hair school so that i could have an side hustle.

Summary: This lesson was one of my most favorite lessons of them all. This lesson made me think about things I do and do not like and things I am good at and things I am not good at. Not everyone sit and think about things that they are either good or not good at.

Research Question: What are some ways to make people feel good?


Research Analysis:

Some days are better than others. On those days that go less well, we usually end up being hard on ourselves. Here are some tools to avoid doing so. Keep going. Don't let life's changes throw you off track, but remember that most extenuating circumstances are temporary. Gain more clarity by staying the course and channeling your energy in a positive direction. Trust yourself. Believe in your inner resources, no matter what, and you'll grow from the experience. I believe that the answers usually lie within and you are probably smart enough to figure out what you need to do. Give yourself a little time and have patience.Be friends with life. Remember that the world is not out to get you and it does not punish you. You do that to yourself. Learning to focus on other opportunities or in another direction can give you some perspective.


Research Summary: Coming up with an research question was very hard for me. But after doing some research I felt as though this was a good start of an research question. Some of the things that were stated within the research was very helpful to my research question and also could help others as well in helping them making themseleves hapy.

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