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This lesson is also about cognitive development. We were to listen to the podcast on the brain and education and answer the questions to follow.

Lesson 4


What are some basic findings concerning the brain mentioned by Anita?

Some basic findings concerning the brain that Anita mentioned was that kids have more synapsis than they will ever use or need, these kids have more that many adults. So that the neurons can communicate. Each person has billions of neurons and each neuron has thousands of synaptic connections.

What does Anita mean when she says "Use it or Lose it?"

When Anita uses “Use it or Lose it” she means children have many more synapses than they will ever need and way more than adults. The neurons and synapses that are not used fade away.  The neurons and synapses that are being used over and over are more efficient. 

Why does Anita mention Taxi drivers in the podcast?

Anita mentions taxi drivers in the podcast because the size of the hippocampus is determined by how long a person has been driving a taxi. Part of their brain grew larger because it was used more in navigating around a city. A taxi driver memorizes  streets and they get  familiar with an area because they take the same exact route every single day and it becomes very fresh to them

 According to the podcast, why is it important to learn different methods in solving math problems?

According to the podcast it’s important to learn different methods in solving math problems because the brain continues to change children with learning disabilities can be taught strategies to compensate using other areas of their brain.

Explain "Bloom's Taxonomy".

Bloom’s taxonomy is a classification system used to define and distinguish different levels of human cognition for example thinking, learning, and understanding. Educators have typically used Bloom’s taxonomy to inform or guide the development of assessments (tests and other evaluations of student learning), curriculum (units, lessons, projects, and other learning activities), and instructional methods such as questioning strategies.


Summary: This lesson was really very interesting to me. The brain is a very complex thing and part of our body. But it is very important for every single part of it to be working. If not that means something is wrong. This lesson was very educational on the brain and enjoyed listening to Anita speak on the different things about the brain.

Research Question: What are some very interesting facts about the human brain that others may not know?


Research Analysis: The human brain is like a powerful computer that stores our memory and controls how we as humans think and react. It has evolved over time and features some incredibly intricate parts that scientists still struggle to understand. The human brain is over three times as big as the brain of other mammals that are of similar body size. The largest part of the human brain is called the cerebrum. Other important parts include corpus callosum, cerebral cortex, thalamus, cerebellum, hypothalamus, hippocampus and brain stem.

Humans have the largest brain in terms of size ratio when compared to other creatures in the world. Elephants are considered as having the largest brain, which is partially true. If the ratio of the whole body and the size of the brain are compared it is only 0.15% in the elephant case; however, it is 2% in the case of humans. A brain produces almost enough energy to light a bulb. On an average, a brain produces up to 30 – 35 watts at the time of awakening. The main energy source of the most energy hungry organ is glucose.

Research Summary: After doing some research on my question I’ve learned some pretty cool facts about the brain as well that I never knew. Some of the fact that I research were very interesting and felt as though it could come in handy one day.  

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