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Lesson 3


Part A

How is SES measured? Explain.

Socioeconomic status (SES) is the measure of the influence that the social environment has on individuals, families, communities, and schools. Individuals SES is usually determined by the SES of their family. The family SES is calculated based on the measure of the five factors. SES is related to the concept of social class. To describe which family or individual may fall into socioeconomic status (SES) is broken into three levels: high SES, middle SES, and low SES.

Describe at least 2 negative effects of low SES.

Two negative effects of low SES are poverty and race. Poverty sometimes level is used as a similar concept to low SES. Race could also be considered an effect because Blacks and Latinos are unequal represented in the low SES. Also low SES can interfere with a child’s cognitive development.

Describe some of the differences concerning education and student achievement levels in Low SES families versus High SES families

The differences concerning education and students achievement levels in Low SES families versus High SES families are that Low SES parents encourage their children to conform to society’s expectations. But high SES parents encourage creativity and exploration. High SES parents tend to be less directive and more conversational in their communities with their children. While low SES parents are more likely than the High SES parents to expect obedience without question from their children.

Describe some options that are available for Low SES families concerning education.

An option that is available for Low SES families concerning education is the Head Start. Its goal is to give children of Low SES families a chance to be better prepared for school. Also some programs include the High/Scope Preschool in Michigan, Abecedarian Intervention program in North Carolina, and Child-Parent Center in Illinois. These programs have been shown to have spatial effects on the cognitive development of the children attending. The results are higher reading and math scores than other children of low SES families. Furthermore, the programs' attendees are more likely to finish high school and less likely to commit a crime than their peers.

Explain how socioeconomic status determines the economic conditions of persons.

Socioeconomic status determines the economic conditions of a person by the SES of their family. How well can the family members meet their financial responsibilities? What prestige is associated with the occupation of the head of the household? What level of education have the parents achieved? What is the safety and upkeep of the neighborhood in which the family lives? What hope do the family members reasonably have to influence the government and community policies that affect their lives?

Can a person change their SES? If so, describe how. If not, describe why not.

I believe a person can change their SES by changing their lifestyle and their family’s lifestyle. First it would have to start off with their surroundings. A person cannot change unless they change their environment. Secondly you have to change the way you live.

Concerning the YouTube video, describe what you learned

Concerning the YouTube video I learned that   people think the average income is a lot more different. Those in poverty have little to no pay, while the wealthy and rich have more money than everyone else, and the people in the middle are just average.


Part B

The author uses a strong metaphor, describing high school students as "wild beasts roaming the plains," hunting each other. How would you describe your high school experience?

My high school experience was fulfilled with many different challenges and obstacles. Some days I could’ve gave up but I had to remember what my purpose was. Overall I can truly say that my high school experience was overall the best. From coming as a freshmen to my senior year I was in voided in everything. From the cheer team to even being a part of the softball team.


The author says she has "been a victim of harsh words and stinging insults." Why do you think she would help inflict the same kind of harm on another person? Why would the author feel worse as the "hunter" instead of the "hunted"?

She would help inflict the same kind of harm on another person because it happened to her. Some people don’t like to feel be little in front of their classmates or their friends. As kids you are always trying to fit in with the coward. But it is always that one person out of the coward that tries to help the person that’s being picked on by others. The author feels worse as the hunter instead of the hunted because their friends might look at them differently.



Name the superficial reasons that caused the clique to socially isolate Ethan. Are the reasons fair? Is there something Ethan could have done differently?

The superficial reasons that caused the clique to socially isolate Ethan because they felt as if he was wired and he asked someone out and the clique felt as if they wouldn’t make a perfect couple.… Isolating Ethan was not a good thing to do. No one likes to feel alone or unwanted by friends or anyone else. I feel that Ethan should not have done anything differently because he is only being himself.


•Have you ever witnessed a classmate or peer publicly rejected? How did the person react? How did you react?

While in high school I have been a witnessed to many things. One of them being that one of my classmates was isolated from my classmates because she was gay. Some people felt as if being gay was wrong. So they picked on her every day. Until she had enough and tried to kill herself because she had no friends and felt alone. Being a witness of that I felt as if it was my duty to step in and help my classmates.


•Why do you think the "Huggy Bears" felt sad after the prank? Why didn't they discuss what happened?

I think the "Huggy Bears" felt sad after the prank because they saw that they really hurt Ethan. Their intentions was not to hurt him but their actions spoke otherwise. Seeing Ethan hurt really open their eyes to what they did wrong to him. The clique didn’t discuss what happened because they felt horrible about what they did to their friend.


•Do you think the incident led to Ethan's difficulties with social anxiety and depression?

I think that the incident did led to Ethan’s difficulties with social anxiety and depression because he had no one to fall back on. Not even his own friends because they played the prank on him. Ethan felt embarrassed in front of his fellow classmates. So his reaction to the incident was only human.


•When someone is hurt as badly as Ethan, is it important to apologize or to try to make amends? What makes an apology meaningful?

A meaningful apology is one that make the necessary changes to align with your apology. Taking responsibility in what they did wrong. Making it sound believable. So that the person knows that it want happen again.



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